LT2043's profile
  • Profile Pic
    LT2043 ♀
  • Online Status
  • Birthday
    May 11
    🎂 🎁
  • Country
  • Real Name: Dawn
  • Location: Wallacetown Ontario
  • Favourie TV Show Criminal minds
  • Biggest Jackpot: Oct 12th 2017 $4874.60
  • Interests: Reading,bingo, family and of course my dog Ginger
  • Favorite Quote: SSWWWEEEEEET
  • Movies: Shawshank redemption
  • Books: Anything by Lisa Jackson,Kevin Obrien,Lee Child,Harlen Coben
  • Children: Never was lucky to have any
  • Pets: Ginger,sadly we lost our poor baby on Jan 4, 2021. She lived a great life at her time of passing she was 19 1/2 years old
  • Zodiac: taurus
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