im2sxy4mijammies's profile
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    im2sxy4mijammies ♀
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  • Real Name: florence
  • Location: ENDERBY, B.C
  • About Me i am a kind person who loves to meet new people.
  • Favourie TV Show reality shows
  • Biggest Jackpot: 7k
  • Interests: online games,crocheting,family,and grandkids, music, bingo n hosting bingo.
  • Favorite Quote: treat people how you want to be treated.
  • Music: all music except elevator music.
  • Movies: toooo many to mention.
  • Books: true stories.
  • Children: i have 2 adult children ,6 grandchildren 3 boys n 3 girls.
  • Pets: i have 1 cat named Gizmo ( spoiled rotten )
  • Zodiac: capricorn
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